22 of the rarest and most expensive big box PC games

22 of the rarest and most expensive big box PC games

A boxed copy of the 1990 Mega Man DOS game, on sale on eBay. (Image credit: bnnltd)

Retro game collecting has been a big deal for a while now, but the focus has mainly been on old console games. The record for the most expensive game ever sold is a sealed edition of Super Mario Bros. that was auctioned for $2 million last August, whereas classic “big box” PC games have rarely been priced over $1,000—until recently. PC game collecting is heating up.

“I think the market for console games has hit its peak and attention has turned toward the big box PC games, which is why we’re seeing sealed versions start to go for such high prices,” says Stephen Kick, CEO of Nightdive Studios, which specializes in retro PC remakes and remasters. “Collectors are buying them up and having them graded as investments.”

It’s actually pretty difficult to find PC games that routinely sell for more than a thousand outside the crazy investor bubble.

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