FIFO vs. LIFO: 4 Differences | Spiceworks

FIFO vs. LIFO: 4 Differences | Spiceworks

  • LIFO and FIFO are two types of data structures commonly used in programming. LIFO, which stands for ‘last in, first out,’ is defined as a data structure in which the newest element added to the stack is processed first.
  • On the other hand, FIFO, which stands for ‘first in, first out,’ is defined as a data structure wherein the first element added to the queue is processed first.
  • This article covers the differences between FIFO and LIFO in programming.

FIFO and LIFO: An Overview

FIFO and LIFO are two types of data structures commonly used in programming.

LIFO vs. FIFO in Programming

LIFO vs. FIFO in Programming

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LIFO stands for ‘last in, first out’ and uses a stack data structure. In a LIFO data structure, the newest element added to the stack is processed first. On the other hand, FIFO stands for ‘first in, first out’ and uses a queue data structure. In a FIFO data structure, the first element added to the queue is processed first.

What Is FIFO?

The first in, first out data structure is commonly used in programming as a method of managing and manipulating data elements in a computing system. As the name suggests, FIFO prioritizes processes that are ‘first in,’ meaning it will first address the element that entered the system before any other.

FIFO leverages a queue-type data structure wherein the oldest element stays at the front, awaiting preferential processing. Think of FIFO as ‘first come, first served’ for programming elements, like a checkout queue at the supermarket where the first person in line is served first.

The queue-type data structure used by FIFO is a simple and intuitive method of handling data and is used in many applications. It is apt for use cases where processing a large number of requests is required since it allows for these requests to be processed in the order they were received and avoids workflow disruptions. As the oldest request is processed first, FIFO is said to be a ‘fair’ method for data processing.

In FIFO, elements are added to the end of the queue using the ‘enqueue’ operation, and the first element is removed for processing using the ‘dequeue’ operation. Enqueuing and dequeuing in FIFO can be visualized as a conveyor belt where items are added at one end and taken from the opposite end.

A significant advantage of using FIFO is its simplicity. It is a straightforward and easy-to-understand data structure used in many programming languages. Another advantage of FIFO is its suitability for applications where data items need to be processed in a strict order. For instance, in a printer queue, you would want to process the print requests in the order they were received. FIFO ensures that the oldest print request is processed first.

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What Is LIFO?

The last in, first out data processing method is also commonly used in programming. In this method, the system processes the most recent, or

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Computer Architecture: Components, Types, Examples | Spiceworks

Computer Architecture: Components, Types, Examples | Spiceworks

  • Computer architecture is defined as the end-to-end structure of a computer system that determines how its components interact with each other in helping execute the machine’s purpose (i.e., processing data).
  • This article explains the components of computer architecture and its key types and gives a few notable examples.

What Is Computer Architecture?

Computer architecture refers to the end-to-end structure of a computer system that determines how its components interact with each other in helping to execute the machine’s purpose (i.e., processing data), often avoiding any reference to the actual technical implementation.

Examples of Computer Architecture: Von Neumann Architecture (a) and Harvard Architecture (b)

Examples of Computer Architecture: Von Neumann Architecture (a) and Harvard Architecture (b)

Source: ResearchGateOpens a new window

Computers are an integral element of any organization’s infrastructure, from the equipment employees use at the office to the cell phones and wearables they use to work from home. All computers, regardless of their size, are founded on a set of principles describing how hardware and software connect to make them function. This is what constitutes computer architecture.

Computer architecture is the arrangement of the components that comprise a computer system and the engine at the core of the processes that drive its functioning. It specifies the machine interface for which programming languages and associated processors are designed.

Complex instruction set computer (CISC) and reduced instruction set computer (RISC) are the two predominant approaches to the architecture that influence how computer processors function.

CISC processors have one processing unit, auxiliary memory, and a tiny register set containing hundreds of unique commands. These processors execute a task with a single instruction, making a programmer’s work simpler since fewer lines of code are required to complete the operation. This method utilizes less memory but may need more time to execute instructions.

A reassessment led to the creation of high-performance computers based on the RISC architecture. The hardware is designed to be as basic and swift as possible, and sophisticated instructions can be executed with simpler ones.

How does computer architecture work?

Computer architecture allows a computer to compute, retain, and retrieve information. This data can be digits in a spreadsheet, lines of text in a file, dots of color in an image, sound patterns, or the status of a system such as a flash drive.

  • Purpose of computer architecture: Everything a system performs, from online surfing to printing, involves the transmission and processing of numbers. A computer’s architecture is merely a mathematical system intended to collect, transmit, and interpret numbers.
  • Data in numbers: The computer stores all data as numerals. When a developer is engrossed in machine learning code and analyzing sophisticated algorithms and data structures, it is easy to forget this.
  • Manipulating data: The computer manages information using numerical operations. It is possible to display an image on a screen by transferring a matrix of digits to the video memory, with every number reflecting a pixel of color.
  • Multifaceted functions: The components of a computer architecture include both software and hardware. The processor — hardware that executes computer programs — is the
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