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How Time Flies is a daily feature looking back at Pantagraph archives to revisit what was happening in our community and region.
100 years ago
March 12, 1923: Wednesday evening at 7:30 the curtains will be drawn, revealing Bloomington’s spring 1923 style show. Foremost will be the window display of W.H. Roland store, recognized throughout the country as one of the most artistic. Original modes from Paris will be shown, different from anything ever shown in this city.
75 years ago
March 12, 1948: Farmers filled Bloomington Consistory at the 22nd annual meeting of the McLean County Service company, where dividend checks for $148,190 were passed out to 2,700 county farm bureau members. A record business was reported by Harley Hoobler, president, and George Curtiss, manager.
March 12, 1973: Grand plans for downtown Bloomington urban renewal are being abandoned for a cheaper development. Chester Thomson and partners have abandoned plans for a 1.3 million complex. They are now considering a single-story building.
25 years ago
March 12, 1998: Unit 5 accepted proposals from GTE and G.E. Capital to implement its $3.4 million computer plan, with work set to be completed by the end of 1998. The proposal will network all of the district schools with fiber optic lines and upgrade wiring to support increasing powerful personal computers. The district also plans to add 1,000 personal computers at its 13 grade schools and two middle schools.
100 years ago: See vintage Pantagraph ads from 1922
Union Gas and Electric Co.
Dr. J.A. Moore Dentists
Moberly & Klenner
W.P. Garretson
W.H. Roland
Pease’s Candy
Thor 32 Electric Washing Machine
The Kaiser’s Story of the War
Ike Livingston & Sons
Gossard Corsets
Cat’n Fiddle
‘Stolen Moments’
Case Model X
The Johnson Transfer & Fuel Co.
The Pantagraph want ads
Franklin Motor Car Co.
‘A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court’
Calumet Baking Powder
Mayer Livingston & Co. Newsmarket
‘The Emperor Jones’
‘California Fig Syrup’
Compiled by Pantagraph staff